Trying out // Tresemme Renewal hair and scalp

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I love a good beauty or hair sample ( who doesn't right?) because how are you supposed to know if you like/love something or if you hate it. 
I had some Tresemme Renewal shampoo and conditioner samples lying about so i thought i'd try them out and share with you what i thought about them.

I just want to say im sure Tresemme have changed their ingredients because when i was in my teenage years (which seems ages ago now) i loved using the stuff. After trying out this sample though recently, ive found i really don't like it any more. Whether my hair just doesn't like the ingredients any more or not i don't know. 

My hair just didnt feel clean after it had been washed with the Tresemme Renewal duo, the conditioner had made my hair completely limp, lifeless and flat, it was horrible! I hate having flat hair!!
I normally wash my hair every other day, so when i came to do my hair the morning after i had washed it it was already starting to look greasy. Eww! Gross right? 
I know my hair does get greasy quick which is why i wash it so much, but it is never greasy the day after it has been washed. 

Thank god for dry shampoo i say, i dont have time to wash my hair in the morning because i have to be up at half 5 for work and would much rather sleep. So on this particular morning i was saved by my trusted batiste dry shampoo. This stuff was a life saver!! It got rid of my greasy hair and gave my hair life and volume again. 

What do you think about Treseme shampoo? Do you like it? 
Have you been saved by dry shampoo? 
Has a product saved your life before?