Mini heart shaped Victora sponges!

17:01 0 Comments A+ a-

Happy Valentines day guys!! Stuck for a last minute valentines gift? Then why not make these cute mini victoria sponges. I have just made these today for Kristopher. (He loves my baking) so these were perfect for him. 


  • 200g Caster sugar
  • 200g Softened butter
  • 4 eggs beaten
  • 200g self raising flour
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 75g butter
  • 175 icing sugar
  • Strawberry jam

  1. Pre heat the oven to 190 degrees C fan/ 170 degrees C gas 5. Line two sandwich tins with non stick baking paper.
  2. Mix the butter and caster sugar in a mixing bowl until soft and creamy.
  3. Add the milk, eggs and sift in the self raising flour into the mix and stir well in a figure of eight movement. 
  4. Once it is mixed all together add to the two baking tins and put in the oven for 20 mins until golden brown and springy when touched.
  5. Leave to cool.
  6. While the cake is cooling mix together the butter and icing sugar to make the buttercream. 
  7. Using heart shaped cookie cutters cut out heart shapes in the sponge.
  8. Add a layer of butter cream and a layer of jam on top to half of the cut out hearts. Place the remaining half of the hearts on top of the ones with filling. Sprinkle icing sugar on top and your ready to serve.
What is your favourite kind of cake? 
